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City Council Minutes 04/24/2003
April 24, 2003

Roll Call – Mayor Carnicelli, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey –Present.

Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debby McCormick, City Clerk.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – Mayor Carnicelli asked young people in the audience to come forward to lead the pledge.

Presentations and Proclamations – Mayor Carnicelli reads a proclamation honoring Barbershop Harmony Week.  The Lake Landers and Cayuga Cords sing two songs and accept the proclamation.

The Mayor read a proclamation recognizing SAVAR (Sexual Assault Victims Advocate Resource) for their work in the community and encouraged the community to support the Take Back the Night Rally on April 30, 2003.

Mayor Carnicelli read a proclamation to proclaim Friday April 25, 2003 Arbor Day in Auburn.  Dr. Walt Aikman accepted the proclamation on behalf of Grow Auburn’s Trees and spoke briefly about the groups plans.  He was accompanied by several children from Herman Ave and Casey Park School that are helping with tree planting.

Joe Leo Grande, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission presented an update on what the commission and Parks Department are and will be doing.  Council discussed.

Public Announcements – None

City Manager’s Report –
The City Manager reported on the following:
?       The bond rating presentation in NYC is tentatively scheduled for the end of May.
?       The neighborhood meeting for the Dunn and McCarthy area will hold its’ second meeting on April 29 at the Neighborhood House from 6 – 8 PM.
?       The Geothermal project at City Hall is on schedule.  The internal plumbing and electric are installed.  City Hall is in peak disruption with all the work going on.  The boiler will be removed the week of May 1.  A generator will be used for a week while work is done.
?       The budget session schedule is done and Council is asked to check schedules to be sure there is no conflict.  If all stays on schedule the budget will be adopted on June 5th.

Public to be heard –
Fred Richardson, Auburn; Board member of the Harriet Tubman Home; President of the AME Zion Church; NAACP member, spoke to support councils recommendation to transfer property to the Harriet Tubman Home.

Christine Carter, Auburn – employee of the Harriet Tubman Home spoke in support of the land transfer.

Pauline Copes Johnson, Auburn resident and great grand niece of Harriet Tubman spoke to encourage council to support the land transfer.

John Carnes, Architect for the Harriet Tubman Home, spoke to discuss the reason for the transfer of the 3.3 acres of green space around the Home.

Report of City Officials – None

Committee Report – None

Presentation of Petition and Communications - The City Clerk read.


Ordinance #6 of 2003 authorizing amendment to the Code of the City of Auburn at Chapter 268 – Taxicabs.  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli vote aye. PASSED.

Ordinance #7 of 2003 authorizing amendment to the Code of the City of Auburn at Chapter 289 – Vendors.  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli vote aye. PASSED.


Land Sale Resolution #79 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary for the transfer of property from the City of Auburn to Harriet Tubman Home.  Councilor Dempsey requested that this item be pulled from agenda because of questions that he and other councilors had.  Councilor Hunter disagreed as did Mayor Carnicelli.  After discussion all agreed to pull this resolution so that question from other Councilors could be answered.

Financial Resolution #80 of 2003 authorizing award of a five (5) year Contract for Banking Services to Fleet Bank. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli vote aye. PASSED.

Change Order Resolution #81 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to execute a change order with Bob Bruno Excavating Inc., for the 2002 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program – Phase 2.  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli vote aye. PASSED.

Council Resolution #82 of 2003 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for proposals for independent Auditing Services.  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli vote aye. PASSED.
Local Law - None

Tabled Legislation – None

Other Business –
Councilor Dempsey reported that AIDA met with Community Computer to discuss a PILOT program for their expanding business.

Councilor Hunter reported that Nick Valenti informed him that the Cayuga County Veterans are planning to dedicate a memorial at City Hall.  Plans are being made and more information is forthcoming.

Councilor Hunter asked about the $50,000. endowment for Pomeroy Park.  He asked if it could be confirmed.

Council discussed the pulled land transfer resolution.  Councilor Hunter questioned why it was being pulled.  

Councilor Jacobs asked if the City could look into holding a spring clean up for large items to be picked up at no charge.

Ward Dewitt, Executive Director of the Harriet Tubman Home arrived at the Council meeting at about 7:30PM.  Mayor Carnicelli explained to Mr. Dewitt that Council pulled the land transfer pending answers to questions from various council members.  She invited Mr. Dewitt to speak.  

Mr. Dewitt spoke to recap the history of the property and the need for the land.

Second Public to be heard – None

Recap – Clerk read.

Councilor Dempsey motioned to go into Executive Session to discuss the land sale/lease/ acquisition of City-owned property.  Seconded by Councilor Jacobs.  Corporation Council Tom Leone acknowledged the media protest to the executive sessions topic.  Mr. Leone clarified the Open Meetings Law regarding discussion of land and counseled and cautioned Councilors to the limitations of what they can discuss in executive session.  Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey voted aye.  Mayor Carnicelli voted no.    Meeting began at 7:55PM and ended at 8:20PM

Council reconvened at 8:20PM

Mayor Carnicelli called the meeting to order.  She then asked for Councils unanimous consent to put Resolution #79 of 2003 (Land transfer to Harriet Tubman Home) back on the agenda for consideration.   All agreed.

Land Sale Resolution #79 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary for the transfer of property from the City of Auburn to Harriet Tubman Home.  Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Jacobs motioned to amend the resolution to add ‘to the property remaining forever green’ and omitting the line ‘to certain deed restrictions as the City Manager deems necessary to limit development for the property.’  Vote for amendment, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli aye.   Vote on amended Resolution Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli aye.

Motion by Councilor Hunter seconded by Councilor Dempsey to go in to Executive Session to discuss the proposed sale of City-owned land and the employment history of a particular person.  All were in favor. Meeting began at 8:30 and ended at 8:55PM.

Mayor Carnicelli called the Council meeting back to order at 9:05PM Mayor asked for Council consent to add and item to the agenda.  All agreed.

Councilor Hunter motions for a resolution to appoint Daniel Sincebaugh, 14 Densmore Ave, Auburn NY to the position of Deputy City Clerk effective May 12, 2003 as a Council appointment for an indefinite term.  Seconded by Councilor Dempsey.  Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli abstained.  The resolution passed.

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM